By Kerrie Sullivan, founder of Infinite Wellness Mindfulness seems to be what everyone wants to achieve. The thing is - we need to slow down to get it. But how do we do that in a society that craves instant gratification? Most of us are juggling relationships, kids, jobs, maybe a side ... READ the POST
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4 Money Mindset Tricks to Try in 2019
By Holly Mihelic, Leadership Coach and Lifestyle Columnist Believe it or not, but the feelings you have about money are impacting your bank balance. So if you'd like to see more commas in your Chase account, you may want to give this article a read. First things first, I'm not a ... READ the POST

I used a Standing Desk For 7 Days, Here is What Happened.
By Dr. Rubina Tahir, co-founder of The Positivity Charge Standing is better than sitting, it’s hard to argue that. I am going to bet that some of you out there are thinking ‘well I exercise regularly, so I am not worried about a sedentary lifestyle’. Guess what? Research is telling us that ... READ the POST

Guide To Morning & Evening Skin Care
By Beth Lawrence It can take FOREVER to find your perfect skin routine. Then, when you find it, the seasons change and you have to tweak it yet again. Luckily, #selfcaresunday is a thing, so you have at least 52 chances to try something new. I try my very best to always use ... READ the POST

Bone Broth Recipe For Those Bone Chillin’ Winter Days
By Noelle Cegielski, founder of Elle's Healthy Eats I guess the saying you are what you eat is somewhat true? When we ingest many processed foods full of chemicals, sugars, gluten and trans fats, which are found in today’s Western diet, we are weakening our guts and putting ourselves at ... READ the POST

3 Ways to Unleash the Magic of Turmeric
Guest blog by Alicia Uhl, Plant Based Holistic Health Coach If you’ve been seeing pictures of Golden Milk lattes flooding your Insta lately than you probably noticed that turmeric is having a major moment in the health arena. Turmeric, the main spice found in the Indian dish curry, is ... READ the POST